Creative Art Programs

Art Programs for Seniors

What Do We Provide?

We offer creative art programs for seniors and older adults. An open-ended art-making space grounded in the Montessori method, our programs emphasize the process of creating art. Rather than a pre-imagined product, engaging in a process-based environment allows for the satisfaction of choice and encourages self-expression among your residents.

Process-based art allows the caregiver to engage with residents rather than direct the project, and residents are freed to express themselves in more meaningful ways.

The Arts of Aging in a Nutshell

The Arts of Aging creates art programming for communities with a vision of quality and substance for their residents.

We design arts programming that’s grounded in art education and Montessori practices, so each session is purposeful and engaging for all residents. Each exercise is simple to present and success is built in.

Engaged staff and caregivers are vital to a thriving community. We include training for staff that develops critical thinking, adaptability, and interpersonal skills because we know that offering employees practical training is a great way to support and value them.

When new skills are put to work right away, they take root easily, so we provide on-site hosting and coaching for your new arts program. Invite families to a workshop, build community culture with a staff session, or throw a new resident event! Our expert art coaches will be there to support you.

Art Programs for Seniors

Senior Care At Its Best

We provide resources that foster mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being and have been shown to reduce the need for medical interventions.

Include Client Families

The Arts of Aging aims to cultivate standout community full of creative and vibrant culture, demonstrating an inviting lifestyle to future residents as well as innovative well-being to their adult children.

Shine in Your Industry

By utilizing our program, you will distinguish yourself in the marketplace with arts programming that includes community-building activities, person-centered care, and social interventions.

Support Your Staff

Show your future employees that you’re an employer who values their soft skills and supports continuing education.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does The Arts of Aging Do?

The Arts of Aging creates art-based programs for senior and memory care communities.

We believe that all of our elders can continue to enjoy a life of quality and substance. Our programming creates art experiences with a foundation in studio art and Montessori practices to empower people of all ages and abilities to express themselves in meaningful ways.

Who Benefits from The Arts of Aging?

Senior and memory care communities who believe in community-building, shared decision-making, and personalized care. You want to create a culture of curiosity and value integrated well-being.

What About Our Residents' Families?

The most valuable spaces in a memory care environment have multiple purposes and are inclusive of clients’ families. Additionally, the maker space can easily be intergenerational. Often families want to be with their loved ones and yet may be unsure of how to interact when they’re together. Time together in the maker space allows hands to be active, which often allows the mind to quiet and engage at a deeper level.

How is This Different from Our Other Activities?

Loneliness can have dire health consequences, belonging is the antidote.

Times of transition can cause us to shrink from trying new things, striking up new conversations or signing up for a new activity. A process based program can be a low-stress ice-breaker since it doesn’t focus on the outcome, just on the experimenting.